Authentication , Cache profile , Razor , Data Annotation : Part 4
Forms Authentication
- This is traditional forms based authentication, user can register and login by the credentials used during registration.
- Details are stored in database, password is hashed not in readable format.
- This option is typically preferred for internet site
Windows Authentication
- Application with windows authentication is generally preferreed in intranet
- A user logs in the windows and launches the application in browser, The Asp.Net will automatically pick up user's identity
Cache Profile
- We can create cache profile in web.config and assign it to any action by [OutputCache] attribute
public string GetName()
//Your Code
Razor in MVC
- Razor is a markup syntax that tells you embed server based code into web pages
Data Annotation
- It is used to provide additional information to property of class.
- Some of the data annotation are
- Required
- MinLength
- MaxLength
- StringLength
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